Saturday, January 26, 2013

Burned Over Place

‎"I’m a little like the duck hunter who was hunting with his friend in a wide-open barren of land in southeastern Georgia. Far away on the horizon he noticed a cloud of smoke. Soon, he could hear the sound of crackling. A wind came up and he realized the terrible truth: a brush-fire was advancing his way. It was moving so fast that he and his friend could not outrun it. The hunter began to rifle through his pockets. Then he emptied all the contents of his knapsack. He soon found what he was looking for-a book of matches. To his friend’s amazement, he pulled out a match and struck it. He lit a small fire around the two of them. Soon they were standing in a circle of blackened earth, waiting for the brush fire to come. They did not have to wait long. They covered their mouths with their handkerchiefs and braced themselves. The fire came near-and swept over them. But they were completely unhurt. They weren’t even touched. Fire would not burn the place where fire had already burned.

The law is like the brush-fire. I cannot escape it. But if I stand in the burned-over place, where law has already burned its way through, then I will not get hurt. Not a hair of my head will be singed. The death of Christ is the burned-over place. There I huddle, hardly believing yet relieved. Christ’s death has disarmed the law. 'Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.'" Paul Zahl
"I’m a little like the duck hunter who was hunting with his friend in a wide-open barren of land in southeastern Georgia. Far away on the horizon he noticed a cloud of smoke. Soon, he could hear the sound of crackling. A wind came up and he realized the terrible truth: a brush-fire was advancing his way. It was moving so fast that he and his friend could not outrun it. The hunter began to rifle through his pockets. Then he emptied all the contents of his knapsack. He soon found what he was looking for-a book of matches. To his friend’s amazement, he pulled out a match and struck it. He lit a small fire around the two of them. Soon they were standing in a circle of blackened earth, waiting for the brush fire to come. They did not have to wait long. They covered their mouths with their handkerchiefs and braced themselves. The fire came near-and swept over them. But they were completely unhurt. They weren’t even touched. Fire would not burn the place where fire had already burned.

The law is like the brush-fire. I cannot escape it. But if I stand in the burned-over place, where law has already burned its way through, then I will not get hurt. Not a hair of my head will be singed. The death of Christ is the burned-over place. There I huddle, hardly believing yet relieved. Christ’s death has disarmed the law. 'Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.'" Paul Zahl

Friday, January 25, 2013

Self Image

‎"My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion"
"My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion"

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Peace Declared

I like simple, easy to understand illustrations or teachings that bring the message of God's grace and the power of the Gospel to the forefront of our thinking. Something simple, delivered in a short statement, or a quick read can be the catalyst, the motivation, the truth dispensing truth that changes a life forever. For me, its like David and Goliath; one small Shepard boy, one Hugh giant. At the end of what proved to be a very short battle the scoreboard read, David 1, Goliath 0.

Thank God for quick battles that yield thousands of life pages!

Here's one from from D. L. Moody entitled "Peace Declared".

""When France and England were at war a French vessel had gone off on a long whaling voyage. When they came back, the crew were short of water, and being near an English port, they wanted to get water; but they were afraid that they would be taken prisoners if they went into port. Some people in the port saw their signal of distress, and sent word that they need not be afraid, that the was is over, and peace had been declared. But they couldn't make those sailors believe it, and they didn't dare go into port, although they were out of water. At last they made up their minds that they had better go in surrender their cargo and their lives to their enemies rather than perish at sea without water; and when they got in, they found out that what had been told them was true, that peace had been declared."

Sin had made mankind enemies of God.
Many people still don't believe the truth that peace has been purchased by Jesus Christ on Calvary between God and man. God's grace has reconciled us to God through Jesus Christ; and this flow of "living water" is available to all men.

Does the well of salvation never run dry?

Never, because their is a river of God's grave flowing underneath. 

Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life" John 4:13.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

All Things New 2013

Today, more than any other day, you are like me and billions of other people around the world. Together, we approach each New Year with our cups filled with resolve to grow in some area(s) of our lives.

Whether it be reading more, spending more time with our families, eating better, exercising more, we all have some facet in our lives in which we would like to see improve. But the reality is for most resolutions they fall to the wayside and only leave us with a great sense of guilt and failure.

Tullian Tchividjian gives us a good word with regards to how we are to view ourselves when most, if not all, of our resolutions fail:

“Today is the very first day of a brand new year. And for many that means a fresh start.

“This is the year. It all starts now. We resolve to turn over a new leaf–and this time we’re serious. This time we’re really going to try, we’re not going to quit. We promise ourselves that we’re going to quit bad habits and start good ones. We’re going to get in shape, eat better, lust less, waste less time, be more content, more disciplined, more intentional. We’re going to be better husbands, wives, fathers, mothers. We’re going to pray more, serve more, plan more, give more, read more, and memorize more Bible verses. We’re going to finally be all that we can be. No more messing around.”

“Well…I say try. Seriously, try. You might make some great strides this year. I’m hoping to. There are a lot of improvements I’m hoping to make over the next 12 months. But don’t be surprised a year from now when you realize that you’ve fallen short…again.
For those who try and try, year after year, again and again, to get better and better, with seemingly less and less success…I have good news for you: you’re in good company!”

Thank God, we are not alone! What I’m most deeply grateful for is that God’s love for me, approval of me, and commitment to me is not dependent on my success and resolve, but on Christ’s success and resolve for me. As “Speedy” sang in the Alka- Seltzer” song… “Oh, what a relief it is.” Finally, relief from the “heart burn” of condemnation! Woo Hoo!!

God’s never ending grace is the good news announcing His infallible devotion to us in spite of our lack of devotion to Him. The gospel is not a command to hang onto Jesus. Rather, it’s a promise that no matter

how weak and unsuccessful our faith and efforts may be, God is always holding on to each of us through our Savior Jesus Christ.

It’s ironically comforting to me as this new year gets under way that I am weak and He is strong–that while my love for Jesus will continue to fall short, Jesus’ love for me will never fall short.

For, as Mark Twain said, “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, your dog would get in and you would stay out.”