Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Horse Fly

Well, its break time so I can take my nose off the grindstone long enough to share this with you... On my way in today, a heard an amusing story about Lincoln and his brother.

"One day my brother and I were plowing. I was driving the horse and my brother was holding onto the plow. The horse was usually lazy, but all of a sudden he ran across the field so fast that even I, with my long legs, had trouble keeping pace with him. When we got to the end of the furrow, I found that an enormous horse-fly had fastened upon him, causing him to bolt. I knocked the fly off. My brother asked me what I did that for, and I told him I didn't want to see the old horse bitten like that. My brother protested, 'that's the only thing that made him go."

It reminded me just how often we think we need that kind of stimulus from religion. Something to "bite" us and cause us to run in the "right direction". Some new teaching, some 5 step program, some special visitor so that we can realize what we need to do to move to "the next level" in Christ. Just give us something to do, we cry!

Thankfully, God's grace, has "knocked the fly off" so that we can stop and rest in Him. Not because of what we did, but because of what Jesus did.

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